Kindergarten: Flamingos visit

Starts at
21/09/2021 10:00

Ends at
15/12/2021 15:00

Special Thematic Program 2021-22: In Search of the Flamingos

Available: September to June, Tuesday to Friday

Our mission will be to find the flamingos and discover everything about this species!

Starting right in the rice fields, we will discover what they are looking for here and how farmers protect rice from these visitors, it is a very fun task!

Then, on the EVOA, we will continue on an adventure in an electric golf car, which will take us on a real Safari through the lagoons and estuary, in search of the Flamingos, along the way we will observe and hear dozens of other species! ..let's find out which are the oldest flamingos, what and how they eat and many other curiosities that a biologist will be able to clarify. We'll also mimic some of their curious behaviors!

Special price (half day): €8/student (already including electric car)